What is an average turnaround time of a Xactimate estimate writer for a Xactimate for roofing and siding?
Xactimate for Roofing and Siding
Our expert remote Xactimate estimator will send your Xactimate estimate in PDF attachment and return the email within 1-2 days except for Sundays and other national holidays. There are some possibilities through which an order can take a longer average time due to its volume. Our professional remote Xactimate estimate writer writes all the estimates. If you’re meeting a deadline, do let us know because our priority is to boost your business.
How much turnaround time it takes for other estimates?
Our team of expert Xactimate estimate writers will manage to deliver your Xactimate estimate in a PDF format through email within 1-3 days apart from Sundays and other national holidays. It takes time when there is an order of an extensive volume. All our estimates are written from the beginning through seasoned professionals