CPM Scheduling

CPM scheduling is a method used to plan and control a project. It is used to identify the activities that will take the longest to complete in a construction project while still delivering critical activities. It is known as the critical path method.

For the CPM schedule you should know the following:

It is a technique used by estimators and project managers to manage the task of a project and analyze how long it will take to finish a project. It includes planning a project, providing resources, and scheduling tasks.

You can create a CPM schedule in the seven steps mentioned below:

Make A List Of Project Tasks

To start a project and CPM scheduling, you must know all the tasks that are compulsory to finish the construction project. It will be easy to analyze the task if you break down all the tasks of the project using a work breakdown structure.

It will help to identify all the important tasks that need to be done in what hierarchy of the construction project.

Calculate the Start And Finish Date

The next step is to identify the start and finish date for each task that is identified in the previous step. It estimates the durations for each task in the project. It will help you figure out how long each task will take and what is the best time to do the task.

With the help of your team of estimators, you will be able to figure out the most accurate forecast for your project tasks. They are skilled and experienced in these tasks so you can trust their results.

Analyze Slack For Each Task

Slack is the amount of time that can delayed for a project task without affecting the overall project and other tasks of the project in CPM scheduling. It must not affect negatively on other tasks of the project.

In easy words, if the task has slack that means it can be delayed for a specific amount of time. That task is also known as the noncritical task of the project. A critical task can never have slack as it can not be delayed because it is an important part of the project. That is why they are critical to the project.

Analyze Task Dependencies

Task dependencies mean one task is dependent on another task. Analyzing task dependencies in scheduling is a crucial step because it can cause drawbacks in the execution of the project.

When you identify task dependencies, you will be able to determine the critical path of your construction project. Three types of dependencies can occur in a project that is:

Draw Cpm Diagram

The CPM diagram is used to identify the critical path in CPM scheduling. It is made of tasks that have no slack or dependencies. The critical path is a task in the CPM diagram that can not be delayed and is the longest duration of a project.

Cpm diagram takes a lot of time and manual work. It must be done using a software tool because doing it by hand can generate errors that can mess up the results.

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Analyze Critical Path

The critical path is the most crucial task of the CPM schedule. The critical path is an activity that can not be delayed and has no slacks.

If you do critical path analysis right, it can help you in the following tasks:

Complete Cpm Schedule

After identifying the critical path, the last step is to finish scheduling your project. After finishing scheduling it will be easy to determine which tasks are critical and which are non-critical. It also helps to identify task dependencies and remove all the bottlenecks from your project.

After scheduling the project, the project is still not done. You need to review the schedule of the project as it is executing. Any issues and delays can impact the critical path of the project and you will have to redo the project.


Our expert team is proficient in developing and monitoring schedules with the following construction consulting software:



Our deliverables contain the following activities:

How Long Does It Take To Deliver A Construction Project Schedule?

We develop and deliver project schedules within a week.

Our project schedule includes everything from all reports, graphs, narratives, and SDEF file.

We offer highly cost-effective rates compared to the market. Email at or call us at +1 (919)809-7320for a quick quote.

We provide estimating and consulting services in Canada and USA.

Why Choose Us

Precision Estimator offer CPM scheduling services for your construction projects to ensure that the project is finished on time and with minimum risk. Our approach to scheduling simplifies the complex project and helps you choose a profitable path for on-budget and on-time completion of your project.

This technique is used in construction projects to analyze the scope, requirements, and risks of the project. We help to analyze the time needed to complete all the activities in the project and determine the critical and high-risk tasks of the project.For more Information Visit Our Social profiles Facebook , LinkedIn , Instagram and Pinterest.